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Søren Hauge
Soulflow Uddannelsen
Sidhe Wisdom
Sidhe ShamanSkolen
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Søren Hauge
Soulflow Uddannelsen
Sidhe Wisdom
Sidhe ShamanSkolen
Søren Hauge
Spiritual teacher, Coach, SoulFlow Guide & Author.
Søren Hauge has been working as a Spiritual Teacher since 1981, educated magister in idehistorie and Philosofi, auther of a number of boks, and Spirituel Coach with SoulFlow and Energypsykology. Søren Hauge worked 30 years with teosofi og esoteric psychology and has since 2012 been specialising in SoulFlow, SidheWisdom and Energipsykology.
SoulFlow is a healing therapeutic praksis, a psykospiritual transformation, and a meditative guided proces.
Sidhe is wild spirituality, a partnership with our ancient relatives. And our own inner Sidhe spirit and Elvish power.